Friday, August 21, 2015

"Disband the police commision and install a meaningfull internal affairs office."

"So we can blame you three for all the abusive officers you failed to vette.

and how if you meet the new officer how can you be objective when disciplining them.....

your commision exsists to give a false scense of calm and control......

I suppose you feel that this is a good alternative.....

I was thouroughly abused by police in 2004 and then victimized by a police force that to this day does not hesitate to screw me given the chance......

I for one am disguysted by the three of you and your sense of privalage....

Disband the police commision and install a meaningfull internal affairs office.

Then lets make the chief elected instead of union protected.

funny I know how old this article is and the same three people serve, that in and of it self is so completly flawed and demands fresh blood at the very least....

cronyism with a reliable result pro officer everytime bet me.....

or do tell how many officers were found at fault don't need names just stats......accountable stats"


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