Now we see Judge Haynes reminded the dumb asses at the Missoula County Attorney office that YES Bill Windsor can travel through the 50 states.
This was a matter of record yet the Missoula County Attorney office will do anything to suppress free speech and to violate the civil and constitutional rights of Bill Windsor.
Take a Look as Judge Haynes actually seems to do something lawful and reminds the Missoula County Attorney office of the facts of the case.
Click Below to Download Judge Haynes order
Why does the Missoula County Attorney, the University of Montana, the Missoula Police and Missoula Judges continue to break the law? to violate civil and constitutional rights and absolutely refuse to investigate clear and obvious facts?
Clearly Bill Windsor is the victim and he clearly has a massive legal action he can take against the Missoula County Attorney, the University of Montana, the Missoula Police and all co-conspirators in this matter.
Clearly Bill Windsor is on the right side of the law and the moral compass. Clearly Bill Windsor has a First Amendment right to report, to gripe and to even parody. So why in the world is MISSOULA so corrupt?
News by the People for the People. Reporting on the actions of the Missoula Police. To write on this blog, email me at
Wednesday, June 24, 2015
The Missoula County Attorney office Jennifer Clark will not let up on Bill Windsor. As Missoula Law Enforcement continues to violated the civil rights of Anti-Corruption Blogger, Movie Producer Bill Windsor.
The Missoula County Attorney Jennifer Clark is ignoring all civil rights and seeming to act above the law and the constitution, why?
It is CLEAR that Bill Windsor is the Real Victim, yet the Missoula County Attorney Office continues to protect the University of Montana enabling stalking and harassment that ruins lives and terrorizes people for years.
Now the Missoula County Attorney office, Jennifer Clark wants to get control of Bill Windsor's passport and to take it from Texas. Neither Montana nor Texas has a constitutional right to have Bill Windsor's passport or to have jailed Bill Windsor.

Bill Windsor, Lawless America Film Producer had no protective order in place, had a legal right to contact the University of Montana as he is his own attorney.
The Missoula County Attorney has completely stripped Bill Windsor of his Civil and Constitutional Rights and seemingly all because he was reporting on Michael Spreadbury and Crystal Cox, who were reporting on Corruption in the State of Montana and connected to the University of Montana.
The Minutes and Notes of Ruling, Dated March 27th, 2015 document below clearly shows that the court recommended that Defendant Bill Windsor file a Waiver of Extradition or remain in the State of Montana. Yet now Missoula County Attorney Jennifer Clark wants to get Bill Windsor's passport of which they do not have reason, cause or jurisdiction to take. And all because Bill Windsor is exposing corruption in Missoula County Montana.
Click Here to Download or Read Document
Bill Windsor did file a Waiver of Extradition, and now we see below a motion to seize Bill Windsor's passport and seems to be to keep Bill Windsor in Missoula County Montana of which has NO JURISDICTION of Bill Windsor, Free Speech, or the First Amendment Right to report on - BLOG - about clear and obvious, BLATANT corruption in the State of Montana.
Motion to Amend Conditions of Release
I say that the Missoula County Attorney, Missoula police and the University of Montana completely IGNORES the rights of victims, they fail to investigate who the real victim is, and they totally disregard the civil rights and constitutional rights of those coming to them for help. No matter how much evidence they have to prove their side of the story.
More at
It is CLEAR that Bill Windsor is the Real Victim, yet the Missoula County Attorney Office continues to protect the University of Montana enabling stalking and harassment that ruins lives and terrorizes people for years.
Now the Missoula County Attorney office, Jennifer Clark wants to get control of Bill Windsor's passport and to take it from Texas. Neither Montana nor Texas has a constitutional right to have Bill Windsor's passport or to have jailed Bill Windsor.

Bill Windsor, Lawless America Film Producer had no protective order in place, had a legal right to contact the University of Montana as he is his own attorney.
The Missoula County Attorney has completely stripped Bill Windsor of his Civil and Constitutional Rights and seemingly all because he was reporting on Michael Spreadbury and Crystal Cox, who were reporting on Corruption in the State of Montana and connected to the University of Montana.
The Minutes and Notes of Ruling, Dated March 27th, 2015 document below clearly shows that the court recommended that Defendant Bill Windsor file a Waiver of Extradition or remain in the State of Montana. Yet now Missoula County Attorney Jennifer Clark wants to get Bill Windsor's passport of which they do not have reason, cause or jurisdiction to take. And all because Bill Windsor is exposing corruption in Missoula County Montana.
Click Here to Download or Read Document
Bill Windsor did file a Waiver of Extradition, and now we see below a motion to seize Bill Windsor's passport and seems to be to keep Bill Windsor in Missoula County Montana of which has NO JURISDICTION of Bill Windsor, Free Speech, or the First Amendment Right to report on - BLOG - about clear and obvious, BLATANT corruption in the State of Montana.
Motion to Amend Conditions of Release
The Department of Justice wonders why rape is rampant on the campus
of the University of Montana.
More at
Tuesday, June 16, 2015
Detective Chris Shermer is reported as being so good at solving Internet Crimes. Yet he blatantly and viciously, in my opinion, did NOTHING to fact check the allegations of Sean Boushie, and jailed an INNOCENT Senior Citizen who had been attacked and targeted for years.
Either Chris Shermer is NOT capable of TRUE and CORRECT internet investigations or his life or family has been threatened by the corruption in Montana that protects the University of Montana and it's paid stalkers.

Detective Chris Shermer must know how to do cyber investigations, so why did he simply take the word of one man, WITH NO FACTUAL PROOF, over the word of another?
Is it out of fear? Why is one man's quality of life worth NOTHING and his civil and constitutional rights violated and another man can harass people, ruin lives and blatantly break the law every day for years and years and face no accountability?
Detective Chris Shermer has the power to truly investigate IP addresses and what happened. There is thousands of documents of proof and ways to prove who the bad guy is but Detective Chris Shermer REFUSES to do so? Why?
I believe it is to protect corrupt Sheriff's, County Attorneys, Judges, Cops, Politicians and the University of Montana as they pay people to harass other people online in the name of keeping us all safe. Meanwhile they ruin our lives with NO Accountability. Then they press charges against us so we look like we are the bad guys and not telling the truth when CLEARLY We are the GOOD GUYS exposing the Bad Guys and giving voice to victims.

Detective Chris Shermer must know how to do cyber investigations, so why did he simply take the word of one man, WITH NO FACTUAL PROOF, over the word of another?
Is it out of fear? Why is one man's quality of life worth NOTHING and his civil and constitutional rights violated and another man can harass people, ruin lives and blatantly break the law every day for years and years and face no accountability?
Detective Chris Shermer has the power to truly investigate IP addresses and what happened. There is thousands of documents of proof and ways to prove who the bad guy is but Detective Chris Shermer REFUSES to do so? Why?
I believe it is to protect corrupt Sheriff's, County Attorneys, Judges, Cops, Politicians and the University of Montana as they pay people to harass other people online in the name of keeping us all safe. Meanwhile they ruin our lives with NO Accountability. Then they press charges against us so we look like we are the bad guys and not telling the truth when CLEARLY We are the GOOD GUYS exposing the Bad Guys and giving voice to victims.
Wednesday, June 10, 2015
Jennifer Clark, Tyler Dugger, and Kirsten Pabst have committed prosecutorial misconduct and have filed false pleadings with the Missoula Montana Court
"Bill Windsor has been charged with violating a Montana protective order from his home in Dallas, Texas.
To charge someone with such a crime, prosecutors Jennifer Clark, Tyler Dugger, and Kirsten Pabst had to swear that William M. Windsor intentionally committed these five crimes...
...but they have NO SUCH EVIDENCE.
Jennifer Clark, Tyler Dugger, and Kirsten Pabst have committed prosecutorial misconduct and have filed false pleadings with the Missoula Montana Courts.
As there is no evidence, there is no probable cause for the five criminal charges against Bill Windsor, and Jennifer Clark, Tyler Dugger, and Kirsten Pabst have filed false sworn pleadings with the courts.
Jennifer Clark, Tyler Dugger, and Kirsten Pabst, where's the evidence? Bill Windsor says you have produced no such evidence, and you told Judge James A. Haynes that ALL evidence had been provided.
As Bill Windsor has sworn under oath that he never intentionally committed any crime, the only honorable thing for you to do is to dismiss all charges. He has repeatedly offered to be polygraphed.
If you don't dismiss all charges, it simply provides further proof that you are dishonest, corrupt, and have a void of moral and ethical values.
To convict Bill Windsor of violating a protective order, the jury must decide that, BEYOND A REASONABLE DOUBT, Bill Windsor intended to commit a crime when he allegedly sent a Tweet, emailed an attorney for the University of Montana, published the words "Sean Boushie" online four times in two legal documents, and filmed a movie and pilot for a TV show exposing Sean Boushie and the University of Montana as criminals.
The State's five witnesses are Sean Boushie, Detective Chris Shermer, attorneyClaudia Denker-Eccles, attorney Lucy France, and IT guy Adrian Irish. Bill Windsor has never spoken with any of these people, and his only communication with Sean Boushie, Claudia Denker-Eccles, and Lucy France has been legal filings. So, the State has NO ONE who can testify as to what Bill Windsor's mental state was over nine months in Dallas, Texas. And William M. Windsor has already sworn that he never intentionally violated any alleged protective order.
The State doesn't even have admissible evidence to prove that Bill Windsor did any of the five heinous crimes that he is accused of -- Tweet, email, and publishing -- much less evidence that he intentionally violated a protective order...from Texas, where there was no protective order.
Someone has told Jennifer Clark, Tyler Dugger, and Kirsten Pabst to pursue these charges against William M. Windsor. All except Tyler Dugger are smart enough to know that Bill Windsor has not committed any crime and that there is no evidence that he did.
A person with inside information has reported that Bill Windsor generated the proof that the University of Montana is involved in criminal activity to attempt to silence whistleblowers. Because of the evidence that Bill Windsor has, they set out to try to stop him.
University of Montana President, Royce Engstrom, and the U.S. Department of Homeland Security are involved. What other government entities are involved?
The only things that are beyond a reasonable doubt are that (1) Bill Windsor is a victim of corruption by Jennifer Clark, Tyler Dugger, and Kirsten Pabst, and the University of Montana, and (2) Sean Boushie and his employer, the University of Montana, are criminals.
Oh, and one other thing is beyond a reasonable doubt: There is no doubt that Bill Windsor, a senior citizen with absolutely no criminal record whatsoever, has spent 134 days locked up in jail and denied bond because of what Jennifer Clark, Tyler Dugger, and Kirsten Pabst have done to him...along with their co-conspirator, Ellis County Texas District Attorney Patrick Wilson."
Source of Post
Monday, June 1, 2015
Montana County Attorneys and Montana Law Enforcement REFUSE to INVESTIGATE and thereby refuse to KNOW THE TRUTH. This is Fraud on the Courts, fraud against victims, and a violation of Civil and Constitutional Rights.
Bill Windsor Said, " It seems to me that they don't want to know the truth because that complicates their corrupt mission. I hate to be so cynical, but nothing that has ever been done to me in Montana makes sense. It has been dishonesty and corruption from the word GO."
Yes Bill Windsor, EXACTLY.
It was the same thing with me and many I reported on. The Montana Detectives did not want to know. It was a 2 minute job to subpoena Google, Yahoo, and many others involved. I already had the information ready to go and the POLICE, the INVESTIGATORS refused to investigate, essentially refusing to know the TRUTH. Many of them said over and over, well, there is no way really to know. Yet it was EASY to prove yahoo, google, craigslist and many other sites, where the IP came from, who had posted the hate, where the death threats came from and they REFUSED.
The University of Montana is LIABLE for what has happened to Bill Windsor and to Crystal Cox, as well as countless other victims of Montana corruption and total lack of investigation.
So now we are at NOW, and Still NOTHING is being Done by the Missoula Police. It is EASY for the DOJ to see why rapes are NOT investigated in Montana. The Police and the University of Montana superpowers protect the rapists, their families, sports teams and the proverbial "bad guy".
"Bill Windsor volunteered to let Missoula Police Department conduct a forensic examination of his laptop to prove the truth in Montana
Bill Windsor volunteered to let Missoula Police Department conduct a forensic examination of his laptop to prove the truth in Montana.
The excuse the police use in regard to the massive cyberstalking of Sean Boushie is that Bill Windsor could have written those emails to himself. So, check the computer; all of the emails are there.
Gee, why wouldn't they take William M. Windsor's generous offer ...
It makes you wonder. It seems to me that they don't want to know the truth because that complicates their corrupt mission.
I hate to be so cynical, but nothing that has ever been done to me in Montana makes sense. It has been dishonesty and corruption from the word GO.
If I was the prosecuting attorney and my interest is justice, I'd jump all over an offer of a free no-holds-barred inspection of a hard drive.
Bill Windsor's criminal complaint against Sean Boushie is now in the hands of the Missoula Police Department and the Missoula County Attorney's Office.
So, the clock is ticking on whether they investigate. If they investigate, they'll have firmly established that Sean Boushie is a criminal. If they don't investigate, they will firmly establish that corruption is behind what is being done to me.
More information and comments are available on Bill Windsor's Facebook Page.
Bill Windsor has scheduled TalkShoe Show for Tuesday, June 2, 2015 at 7:00 PM Central Time. Please plan to join us.
Lawless America. That's where we live.
Bill Windsor set out to film a movie exposing government, judicial, and law enforcement corruption. He traveled to every state (except Alaska), and he filmed over 750 stories of corruption and has thousands more who wanted to be filmed. Evil people, some working for various government entities and committing crimes, set out to destroy Bill Windsor and the movie, Lawless America. Bill Windsor has been defamed online in the largest case of defamation in U.S. history. His life has been threatened many times.
A UNIVERSITY OF MONTANA EMPLOYEE, Sean Boushie, attempted to murder Bill Windsor. Sean Boushie then falsely claimed that Bill stalked him, threatened him with a gun, and a host of other lies. Corrupt courts gave Sean Boushie a Temporary Order of Protection. It expired on September 16, 2013, but corrupt Montana and Texas folks pretended it still existed, and a bench warrant was issued for unsuspecting Bill.
Bill Windsor was put into the Ellis County Texas Jail illegally for 53 days as a political prisoner -- held for extradition. William M. Windsor was then unlawfully held in the Ada County Idaho Jail for 35 days and then illegally handed over to two Missoula County Montana Sheriff's Deputies on March 25, 2015. He was held there for 46 days (a grand total of 134 days behind bars). He escaped (on bond) at 11:30 am on May 9, 2015.
The State of Montana has filed five criminal charges against William M. Windsor for sending a Tweet, publishing the UNIVERSITY OF MONTANA EMPLOYEE's name (the would-be killer Sean Boushie) four times, sending a legal notice email to a University of Montana attorney, and filming the movie and the pilot for a TV show that will expose Montana as the most corrupt state in the country. “Law enforcement” had removed from the Internet. This website contains over 1,400 articles exposing corruption. Bill Windsor worked with a friendly offshore hosting company to return the website to the Internet outside the clutches of American evildoers. He wasn't so lucky when Facebook removed the movie page falsely claiming it promoted nudity, pornography, and solicitation of sex ... or when AT&T canceled the email that he used on everything related to the movie for years falsely claiming he violated their Terms of Service."
Yes Bill Windsor, EXACTLY.
It was the same thing with me and many I reported on. The Montana Detectives did not want to know. It was a 2 minute job to subpoena Google, Yahoo, and many others involved. I already had the information ready to go and the POLICE, the INVESTIGATORS refused to investigate, essentially refusing to know the TRUTH. Many of them said over and over, well, there is no way really to know. Yet it was EASY to prove yahoo, google, craigslist and many other sites, where the IP came from, who had posted the hate, where the death threats came from and they REFUSED.
The University of Montana is LIABLE for what has happened to Bill Windsor and to Crystal Cox, as well as countless other victims of Montana corruption and total lack of investigation.
Here is a chronology of what Sean Boushie, the University of Montana and Montana Authorities did to me, Crystal Cox. And they refuse to investigate any of it and therefore created a large of amount of victims who lost their business, could not sell property, faced extreme hate and they made me, my life, my business the collateral damage of their corruption adn refusal to investigate.
Below is Bill Windsor's chronology of what Sean Boushie did to him, and YET none of it was investigated and to the point of claiming he was the abuser, jailing him, putting his health in harm, and putting him under massive duress, in total violation of his Human Rights, Civil Rights and Constitutional Rights.
Here is a list of where Bill Windsor reached out to Montana authorities over and over again to get help, and they did nothing
Here is more of Bill's documentation on all this
"Bill Windsor volunteered to let Missoula Police Department conduct a forensic examination of his laptop to prove the truth in Montana
Bill Windsor volunteered to let Missoula Police Department conduct a forensic examination of his laptop to prove the truth in Montana.
The excuse the police use in regard to the massive cyberstalking of Sean Boushie is that Bill Windsor could have written those emails to himself. So, check the computer; all of the emails are there.
Gee, why wouldn't they take William M. Windsor's generous offer ...
It makes you wonder. It seems to me that they don't want to know the truth because that complicates their corrupt mission.
I hate to be so cynical, but nothing that has ever been done to me in Montana makes sense. It has been dishonesty and corruption from the word GO.
If I was the prosecuting attorney and my interest is justice, I'd jump all over an offer of a free no-holds-barred inspection of a hard drive.
Bill Windsor's criminal complaint against Sean Boushie is now in the hands of the Missoula Police Department and the Missoula County Attorney's Office.
So, the clock is ticking on whether they investigate. If they investigate, they'll have firmly established that Sean Boushie is a criminal. If they don't investigate, they will firmly establish that corruption is behind what is being done to me.
More information and comments are available on Bill Windsor's Facebook Page.
Bill Windsor has scheduled TalkShoe Show for Tuesday, June 2, 2015 at 7:00 PM Central Time. Please plan to join us.
Lawless America. That's where we live.
Bill Windsor set out to film a movie exposing government, judicial, and law enforcement corruption. He traveled to every state (except Alaska), and he filmed over 750 stories of corruption and has thousands more who wanted to be filmed. Evil people, some working for various government entities and committing crimes, set out to destroy Bill Windsor and the movie, Lawless America. Bill Windsor has been defamed online in the largest case of defamation in U.S. history. His life has been threatened many times.
A UNIVERSITY OF MONTANA EMPLOYEE, Sean Boushie, attempted to murder Bill Windsor. Sean Boushie then falsely claimed that Bill stalked him, threatened him with a gun, and a host of other lies. Corrupt courts gave Sean Boushie a Temporary Order of Protection. It expired on September 16, 2013, but corrupt Montana and Texas folks pretended it still existed, and a bench warrant was issued for unsuspecting Bill.
Bill Windsor was put into the Ellis County Texas Jail illegally for 53 days as a political prisoner -- held for extradition. William M. Windsor was then unlawfully held in the Ada County Idaho Jail for 35 days and then illegally handed over to two Missoula County Montana Sheriff's Deputies on March 25, 2015. He was held there for 46 days (a grand total of 134 days behind bars). He escaped (on bond) at 11:30 am on May 9, 2015.
The State of Montana has filed five criminal charges against William M. Windsor for sending a Tweet, publishing the UNIVERSITY OF MONTANA EMPLOYEE's name (the would-be killer Sean Boushie) four times, sending a legal notice email to a University of Montana attorney, and filming the movie and the pilot for a TV show that will expose Montana as the most corrupt state in the country. “Law enforcement” had removed from the Internet. This website contains over 1,400 articles exposing corruption. Bill Windsor worked with a friendly offshore hosting company to return the website to the Internet outside the clutches of American evildoers. He wasn't so lucky when Facebook removed the movie page falsely claiming it promoted nudity, pornography, and solicitation of sex ... or when AT&T canceled the email that he used on everything related to the movie for years falsely claiming he violated their Terms of Service."
"Bill Windsor volunteered for a Polygraph to prove the truth in Montana
Bill Windsor volunteered for a polygraph examination to prove the truth in Montana.
In fact, he volunteered for more than that. Bill Windsor told the Missoula Police Department and the Missoula County Prosecuting Attorney to hook him to a polygraph to see that he has never said anything but the truth.
Gee, why wouldn't they take William M. Windsor's generous offer ...
It makes you wonder. It seems to me that they don't want to know the truth because that complicates their corrupt mission.
I hate to be so cynical, but nothing that has ever been done to me in Montana makes sense. It has been dishonesty and corruption from the word GO.
If I was the prosecuting attorney and my interest is justice, I'd jump all over an offer of a polygraph test.
Bill Windsor's criminal complaint against Sean Boushie is now in the hands of the Missoula Police Department and the Missoula County Attorney's Office. So, the clock is ticking on whether they investigate. If they investigate, they'll have firmly established that Sean Boushie is a criminal. If they don't investigate, they will firmly establish that corruption is behind what is being done to me.
More information and comments are available on Bill Windsor's Facebook Page."
Missoula County Attorney Jennifer Clark, Detective Chris Shermer and the Missoula Police seem to not care at all about the Civil Rights or Human Rights of Bill Windsor; No Surprise to me.
"Lawless America Website down May 31, 2015 following an attack on the Internet Service Provider
Bill Windsor reports that the Lawless America Website was down all day May 31, 2015 following an attack on the site's Internet Service Provider in Iceland.
Rumor has it that it was either ISIS or the Joeyisalittlekid Gang...
I hope it wasn't an attack directed at us, though we have experienced this before. It is interesting that this was coupled with some type of problem with my email.
I spent my weekend working on filings for the Tenth Court of Appeals in Waco, Texas. Among other things, the court is claiming that it did not receive several filings that I mailed from jails.
Still can't fully shake being sick. Queazy stomach, headache, and dizziness remain constants. I need to find a local doctor to get a second opinion on my earthquake-like hand tremors. In Idaho, I was told it is just claustrophobia-induced. I still shake as badly as I did in maximum security. It's probably just stress-induced, but it is very pronounced.
Waiting to hear the new trial date here in Missoula Montana. Plans to be made once I know how much time there is to prepare for trial. If the trial isn't until September, I will have breathing room so I can leave here for a bit to visit some friends and try to get a little R&R.
Missoula County Attorney Jennifer Clark is to advise me this week as to when I get to interview the witnesses against me. I look forward to learning how they can prove that I sent a Tweet, an email to an attorney, or published two articles online. And I really look forward to exploring the non-existent police investigation into these dastardly crimes.
Responses to my Freedom of Information requests are what I most look forward to.
Some people have been critical of me for writing about what's happening with me. I NEED some volunteers who will publish on I've asked and conducted training sessions in the past, but folks never panned out. If you would like to be an editor here, please email me at I can also use an editor for the Facebook Page. I'd love to get something set up now so that should I end up in prison, we can continue getting content out online. And if a few folks want to form a committee to handle completion of the film if I am sent to The Big House, this is also very important."
Bill Windsor reports that the Lawless America Website was down all day May 31, 2015 following an attack on the site's Internet Service Provider in Iceland.
Rumor has it that it was either ISIS or the Joeyisalittlekid Gang...
I hope it wasn't an attack directed at us, though we have experienced this before. It is interesting that this was coupled with some type of problem with my email.
I spent my weekend working on filings for the Tenth Court of Appeals in Waco, Texas. Among other things, the court is claiming that it did not receive several filings that I mailed from jails.
Still can't fully shake being sick. Queazy stomach, headache, and dizziness remain constants. I need to find a local doctor to get a second opinion on my earthquake-like hand tremors. In Idaho, I was told it is just claustrophobia-induced. I still shake as badly as I did in maximum security. It's probably just stress-induced, but it is very pronounced.
Waiting to hear the new trial date here in Missoula Montana. Plans to be made once I know how much time there is to prepare for trial. If the trial isn't until September, I will have breathing room so I can leave here for a bit to visit some friends and try to get a little R&R.
Missoula County Attorney Jennifer Clark is to advise me this week as to when I get to interview the witnesses against me. I look forward to learning how they can prove that I sent a Tweet, an email to an attorney, or published two articles online. And I really look forward to exploring the non-existent police investigation into these dastardly crimes.
Responses to my Freedom of Information requests are what I most look forward to.
Some people have been critical of me for writing about what's happening with me. I NEED some volunteers who will publish on I've asked and conducted training sessions in the past, but folks never panned out. If you would like to be an editor here, please email me at I can also use an editor for the Facebook Page. I'd love to get something set up now so that should I end up in prison, we can continue getting content out online. And if a few folks want to form a committee to handle completion of the film if I am sent to The Big House, this is also very important."
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