Saturday, May 30, 2015

Bill Windsor files new criminal charges against Sean Boushie - SO much Evidence and NO Bother To Investigate. All that GRANT money from the Department of Justice yet the Missoula Police seem to be CLUELESS about Internet Investigations.

people-man-dreamstimefree 4469455-boushie-charges-200w
On May 27, 2015, William M. Windsor filed 22 criminal charges against Sean Boushie with the Missoula Police Department and the Missoula County Attorney's Office.
We shall now see if these folks are the wonderful law-abiding civil servants who I hope they are...
The letter below is a matter of public record:
Ms. Jennifer Clark, Master Tyler Dugger, and Detective Chris Shermer:
I request a meeting with Detective Chris Shermer to present my criminal charges against Sean Boushie for false swearing, perjury, and false statements to the police.
I have detailed 22 counts.
I respectfully submit that there are many ways for you to determine that Sean Boushie is a criminal.  But, for starters, please subpoena the following:
Google:  All information about the user of the following email addresses/accounts, including name, contact information, and IP addresses:
Yahoo: All information about the user of the following email addresses, including name, contact information, and IP addresses:
Verizon: Subpoena all information about Sean Boushie's cell phone.  Most of the emails were sent from a Blackberry using Verizon.  Boushie has a Blackberry.  If they by any chance have records of his emails, bingo.  Maybe they at least can say that Verizon would have picked up the IP addresses that were repeatedly used in Boushie's emails.  Neither Crystal Cox nor I have had a Blackberry, and we weren't in this area.
Verizon: Subpoena all information for my number, 770-578-1094.  If they still have records of calls for 2012 and 2013, they will show that I never called Boushie.
University of Montana: Obtain information for these University of Montana IP addresses that Crystal Cox and I have captured on emails from Sean Boushie: (2-27-2010 at 3:15 pm); (9-13-2012 at 9:03 am and again at 12:38 pm and again at 1:34 pm); (1-17-2013 at 2:24 pm); (2-15-13).  Confirm with your IT gurus that there is no way to send an email from a University of Montana computer without being at the University of Montana.  Neither Crystal Cox nor I were ever there.
Call (my ex-wife) at 404-###-#### and confirm that I did not have a gun in Montana in August 2013 because it was in her home from April 2013 until December 6, 2013. 
Obtain registration information for  This was a website operated by Sean Boushie to attack Crystal Cox.
Subpoena information for Sean Boushie's home telephone number that he claims he disconnected because of all the calls I made to him.  What was the number?  When was it disconnected?  What was the telephone company told?  Where are there 911 calls or other reports of this alleged activity?
Request information from Sean Boushie:  Ask Sean Boushie for evidence of the unsuspecting people that I emailed accusing them of harassment or crimes.  Ask Sean Boushie for evidence of any frivolous legal action I ever filed with attempts to obtain legal settlements.  Ask for evidence of the requests for legal settlements.  Ask Sean Boushie for evidence that I took over Crystal Cox's list of victims and that I was hired to harass them.
Do a forensic examination of my laptop.  Confirm that I never faked any emails, etc.
Review my polygraph examination results.  This will confirm that I never knowingly or purposely did anything to violate a protective order.  I never had a gun in Montana.  I never did anything pretending to be Sean Boushie. 
You have me charged with five crimes, all of which were set up by the criminal acts of Sean Boushie.  Unless some higher powers have told you to pursue these actions against me, you have a duty to confirm that Sean Boushie is the criminal.  And, his crimes are much more serious than what you have charged me with.  So, go arrest him.
Detective Shermer, please let me know when I can come meet with you, obtain a police report number, etc.  Thank you.
Bill Windsor"


Friday, May 29, 2015

Missoula County Attorney Office, Tyler Dugger, Jennifer Clark, Fred Van Valkenburg "think" and "believe" and seem to have no ability to find OBVIOUS, Blatant, Clear Adjudicated fact. So, what the heck, let's let the Bad Guy say he is the Good Guy and Believe every delusional, defamatory, malicious lie that comes out of his mouth. ~ New County Attorney Kirsten Pabst DOES NOTHING.

Tyler Dugger, Jennifer Clark, Fred Van Valkenburg stated this little nugget in the document below,
"reports of law enforcement and discussion the victims, which if true, I believe, constitutes sufficient probably cause to justify the filing of the charges .."

Source Linked Below
Fred Van Valkenburg

So Tyler Dugger, Jennifer Clark, Fred Van Valkenburg are CLEARLY willing to expose the State of Montana and the County of Missoula Montana to massive financial liability, based on an "I believe" and an "if true"? Really? Wow.


The Missoula County Attorney is willing to ruin a man's life, prosecute the WRONG GUY, silence a reporter, violate Civil and Constitutional rights and all based on IF's and "belief" ? WOW.

Well I know for sure that I did not "pass away" nor get money from a man in Eureka from his bank statements. And well the rest of the police report is FULL of Unverified, Unproven, Unadjudicated fact yet the
Missoula County Attorney Maliciously Prosecuted Anti-Corruption Film make William Windsor, and now the Missoula County Attorney is trying to convince the DOJ that Missoula is really working on this actually taking crime serious thing?? Really??

Did Tyler Dugger, Jennifer Clark, Fred Van Valkenburg of the Missoula County Attorney office DO ANY investigation what so ever?

I, Investigative Blogger Crystal Cox, says they did not even try and fact check Sean Boushie or the University of Montana, and they surely did NO investigation. 

And I Allege that the Missoula County Attorney's office is part of covering up corruption in Montana and that the Bill Windsor, Michael Spreadbury and Crystal Cox Whistleblower Retaliation by Montana Cops and Judges has proved this over and over again.

Tyler Dugger
Sean Boushie has been harming people emotionally, physically, financially and ruining lives for years, around 8 for me. And 80% on PAID time by the University of Montana, this is a fact that is easily found if Tyler Dugger, Jennifer Clark, Fred Van Valkenburg wanted to instead of to simply aid and abet in covering up decades of corruption in the State of Montana.

And what does current Missoula County Attorney Kirsten Pabst say about this? Does  Kirsten Pabst really care about prosecuting Criminals, or more about jailing reporters exposing corruption in and among Montana's Law Enforcement process?

Check this Out

"U.S. Department of Justice officials said Monday they see "troubling signs" in a letter Missoula County Attorney Kirsten Pabst wrote, casting blame on a Missoula rape victim and attempting to stop publication of author Jon Krakauer's book "Missoula: Rape and the Justice System in a College Town."

Missoula County Attorney Kirsten Pabst; "In the letter to delay the publication of Krakauer's book, Pabst used Belnap's story to highlight the "one-sided journalism" she alleges Krakauer used in investigating sexual assault prosecutions in Missoula."

GUESS What Kirsten Pabst, the TRUTH is one sided, it is either True or not and in the case of the Missoula Police and the University of Montana president Royce Engstrom and the U of M police, they DO NOT take rape or stalking serious and in fact pay people to do it. The FACTS are out there should Missoula County Attorney Kirsten Pabst care to READ them.

Source of Quotes from Above, New Book EXPOSING Missoula Rapes

Rape is an Epidemic in Montana. 

People like me who have reported on it for decades have been silenced over and over. Cops who try and prosecute are ran out of town. The Missoula Police department does NOT take stalking and rape serious as a matter of record and a matter of FACT, and this is spread across Montana's Judicial Process, as a matter of FACT.

Chief Mike Brady and UM President Royce Engstrom ARE part of covering up corruption and NOT about uncovering it as proven clearly by their protection of University of Montana stalker Sean Boushie and their over the top, malicious prosecution of bloggers such as Bill Windsor, Crystal Cox and Michael Spreadbury who have tried to expose surrounding corruption and have, themselves been set up by cops and judges and had protective orders silence them from reporting the NEWS of corruption in the State of Montana. 

In Montana, the date rape drug is used EVERYWHERE. 

It makes you way drunker then you really are. It makes one drink as if it is 10. You are suggestible and do what your assailant tells you do to, so later you look willing or hanging on them.  When you report the crime you, the victim, are blamed for their own crime. You appear drunk when you are not. Clearly Kirsten Pabst is CLUELESS on what really happens.

This is heavy in Missoula, Ravalli, and Lincoln County and spreads to the entire state. I reported on this for nearly a decade now. And the solution for Montana authorities was to give a man who threatened to kill me, a protective order to STOP me talking about him online or talking about his place of employment, the University of Montana. They SHUT ME UP instead of investigating the RAPES, the Cops, the Judges, the Death by Cop and the Culture of Corruption in Montana.

All this to protect corrupt cops covering up rape, drug running and lot's more in Montana.

These same "Officials" did the same thing to Anti-Corruption blogger, reporter, and film producer Bill Windsor of Lawless America telling my story, of what Montana Law Enforcement did to me to SHUT me up when I was reporting on the massive rapes that cops in Montana DO NOT INVESTIGATE or Prosecute, as a matter of FACT.

All this from a Police Report that is CLEARLY Delusional, as a matter of fact.

Super Sleuth ~ NOT

Who in the hell is Detective Chris Shermer, the Barney Fife of Missoula Montana?

Detective Chris Shermer BELIEVED a Police report that I, Crystal Cox, had passed away and my alleged victims list (really people I reported on) was handed down to some anti-corruption film documentary guy to allegedly carry on with my alleged attack? WOW. I would love to sell Chris Shermer a Bridge, or maybe Ethan Smith, these guys will believe just about anything and have no brain, balls or backbone to do even the tiniest of research into whether I have "passed away" or NOT.

The police report, it seems, says that Detective Chris Shermer wrote down that Sean Boushie said that Bill Windsor allegedly took over my alleged victim list when I passed away. First of all canDetective Chris Shermer not even research whether someone is alive or not? Secondly, did Detective Chris Shermer write that down wrong or did Sean Boushie really say I had "passed away"

A protective order to STOP someone from saying your name online or griping? Really? Well not according to other civilized states or the Ninth Circuit which governs Montana's First Amendment violations. It is a matter of LAW that Bill Windsor has a constitutional right to REPORT on, to gripe, to talk about Sean Boushie and the University of Montana, PERIOD.


Check out my Ninth Circuit Precedent, VICTORY that levels the playing field. ALL have a right, as a matter of LAW to report, to blog, to post. It is not something that someone gets a protective order over. Montana is suppressing speech, chilling speech and ALL to cover up Corruption among Montana Judges, Cops, the Montana Attorney General, Montana Senators and the Montana Governor.

Click Below to Read Ninth Circuit Case - Clearly ALL have the right to break news, to blog and even to tell on the University of Montana and of Corruption in Hamilton Montana. WOW

More about this Landmark Ruling heard round the world

The University of Montana is under worldwide watch for MASSIVE Rapes and it's DOJ investigation.  They still seem to be silencing those who dare to TELL ON THEM.

It is a COMPLETE Violation of Bill Windsor's rights to use a Montana Protective Order to STOP him from reporting on the FACT that the University of Montana IGNORES Criminal Reports, aids and abets stalkers, DOES not listen to victims when they report what happens to them and is a place where rapes and stalking is an epidemic.

There is a CLEAR Pattern and History in the actions of the University of Montana Police, the Missoula and Hamilton Police, Judge Haynes and more involved in all this and you are ALL Liable and you are doing it to another reporter just as you did me. Not to Bright Folks. You are familiar with RICO Lawsuits right? Pattern and History will be easy to prove in this case.

Bill Windsor is Pro Se and has EVERY right to contact the attorney for the opposition, in this case CLAUDIA Denker Eccles of the University of Montana.  The Malicious Prosecution of Bill Windsor by the Missoula County Attorney is clearly to PROTECT the University of Montana and completely outside of Due Process Laws, Civil Rights and Constitutional Rights.

Just IMAGINE how much money the Missoula County Attorney and Missoula Police have put into VIOLATING the First Amendment Rights of a Reporter, a Citizen, a Whistleblower exposing corruption in the State of Montana. All at the same time they are telling the DOJ, ya we care about justice here in Missoula Montana. Ummm NO they Don't.

Did the State of Montana, also conspire with the State of Texas to harass, badger, intimidate and arrest a Senior citizen who was actually the true and REAL victim of a Montana resident, and all to Cover Up CORRUPTION in Montana?

Investigative Blogger Crystal Cox says YOU Bet they did and that is not all.

Here is the Document I am referring to Above, where the Missoula County Attorney says if the victim is to be believed... WOW

To View Online or to Download

So funny when the DOJ came to the University of Montana to investigate rapes, the whimpering Missoula Mayor and the Chief of Police in Missoula flat out LIED when they told the media that this was not something that happens ALL THE Time and is ignored by them ALL in favor of rapists and stalkers, they also acted as if they would take it all more serious, and yet they target someone actually helping thousands upon thousands of victims of injustice across the United States.

False information on the police report that Ethan Smith took, Paul Kelly Reviewed Detective Chris Shermer went along with, ya know false information such as I am CERTAINLY not PASSED AWAY.And yet the Missoula County Attorney takes this as FACT and CLEARLY violates the Civil and Constitutional Rights of a reporter, a senior citizen, based on this easy to prove NON-FACT. WOW. Talk about Massive Liability, what a bunch of dumbasses.  YOU WILL ALL BE EXPOSED.
And I hope Indicted.

Police Report FULL of Sean Boushie LIES and Gullible Police believing every delusional word.

It is HIGHLY Unconstitutional for the Missoula County Attorney, a Montana Judges, and Montana Cops to "bar" anyone from speaking about the University of Montana or Sean Boushie. It is our constitutional right to grip, to break news, to issue opinion, to state fact, to yammer, to ponder, to make fun of and to parody whom ever we please.

As my emails from the FBI clearly show are LEGAL.

A Bit more about the Bogus, Hocus Pocus Police Report that Got Sean Boushie an unethical, unconstitutional Protective Order to STOP someone from blogging about him, tweeting, facebooking, emailing or any other form of say FIRST AMENDMENT RIGHTS. Oh and the Protective Order PROTECTED the Corrupt Lawless University of Montana President and Police there too. WOW.

Officer Ethan Smith of the Missoula City Police Dept. must be a real smart guy. He takes a police report with all manner of delusional accusations, believes it word for word and sets of a rampage of retaliation against a Whistleblower, a Reporter, a Film Produce, and an Anti-Corruption Blogger, William Windsor of Lawless America.

Officer Ethan Smith does no, say, LOOKING, into the allegations, the alleged bank statements that paid Crystal Cox or me Passing Away. Officer Ethan Smith just takes the word of the REAL BAD GUY and eventually the GOOD GUY HERO is arrested. All to hide corruption in the State of Montana.

Superviser Missoula Police Paul Kelly is a real knucklehead as well, he reviewed the report it seems and signed off on it, it looks like. And nobody asked me if I passed away. I am so hurt.

Oh but you see,  Missoula Copper Paul Kelly is no fan of Civil Rights, that is for sure. Death By Cop seems to be his forte, so why would he notice that I had not passed away and taunt, harass, arrest a reporter who was telling my story.

Superviser Missoula Police Paul Kelly reviewed Ethan Smiths report he took from Sean Boushie, University of Montana STALKER, you Know the cop accused of MURDER.

Gee how did Mr. Kelly miss that part about Crystal Cox passing away? Were they conspiring with Sean Boushie and other Montana Law Enforcement to KILL ME?

"Newell told the Missoulian on Friday that nothing in his investigation indicated the use of lethal force by Missoula Police Cpl. Paul Kelly wasn’t justified. Per protocol, Kelly has been placed on administrative leave until the investigation is complete."

Source and Full Article

No worries Death by Cop is a standard of practice in the State of Montana.

You see I AGREE, Ferguson, Missouri is EVERYWHERE. 

I have reported on death by cop in Montana for over a decade. Set ups, anything to arrest you, get you in a cop car and kill you. Cases where the cops take drug money and kill the drug dealer and never report it. Transparency and Accountability is NOT a way of life among Montana Law Enforcement.

So here is the JURY saying it was JUSTIFIED. See, No Worries. Paul Kelly had good reason to murder someone instead of, say, a hundred different options. No wonder he did not NOTICE that I, had, indeed NOT passed away.

So about that Police Report.


*  Sean Boushie is NOT the Victim, Bill Windsor is, AS a matter of LAW,
Fact and constitutional rights.

* Bill Windsor did not cross the country to harass Sean Boushie. He took over 1200 videos of corruption and WOW the University of Montana is a Goldmine of corruption and cover up, and was / is in the NATIONAL EYE for Rampant RAPES. Bill is an Investigative Reporter, an Anti-Corruption Producer. Sean Boushie ruined his life. Montana protected him to do so. Makes a great anti-corruption story I'd say.

*  I have been emailed by Sean Boushie hundreds of times, attacked on line thousands, and I have massive proof of which the Missoula, Hamilton and Eureka Montana have known about for years. So has the University of Montana Police and Missoula Detective Jamie Merifield.

*  Mr. Boushie's father was not involved in the Freeman incident. His father in law was, and that story is another GREAT story of Montana Corruption Cover Up.

*  I have not engaged in phone calls, blogging or legal action in any way to try and get money. I have sued Sean Boushie and the University of Montana in multiple RICO Lawsuits, and will continue until I prove what the University of Montana did as well as Montana Law Enforcement.

*  I have no list of victims. I have thousands of stories on corruption in our legal system.

* I have NOT "passed away"

*  I was never hired to harass anyone. However, I do believe the University of Montana hired Sean Boushie to harass anti-corruption bloggers.

*  I never received any money from Sean Boushie's father or father in law for any reason. Yet these knuckle headed cops believe this with NO PROOF?  Where are these bank statements?

*  I have no "method". I EXPOSE corrupt cops, attorneys, CEO's, Judges, and more. That is all. I am an anti-corruption blogger, PERIOD.

* I never amassed and hid $6 Million Dollars.

*  I too tracked down Sean Boushie's boss years ago. BECAUSE Sean Threatened to KILL ME.

*  I too rent hotel rooms under a business name, as do thousands of others.

*  The ALARMING History painted is that of Sean Boushie to all of us and not directed at him. WOW, did these cops investigate anything REAL at all?

Link to the BOGUS Police Report that JAILS a Reporter in Montana for exposing Montana Cops, Judges and the University of Montana's total lack of protecting victims on and off campus.

Did Missoula County Attorney Kirsten Pabst Really represent a rapist? Why Does the Missoula Police and the Missoula County Attorney PROTECT Rapists, Stalkers, and Abusers and JAIL those who REPORT on Montana Corruption and GIVE voice to VICTIMS?

"NOTE: The woman who left the Missoula County prosecutor’s office to defend the star quarterback on rape charges is now THE Missoula County “District” Attorney, Kirsten Pabst.  Kirsten Pabst has authorized the outlandish criminal charges against Bill Windsor for Tweeting and Emailing, all done in protection of the man who attempted to murder Bill, Sean Boushie."  Source of Above and More.

Bill Windsor went to JAIL in Montana to cover up the FACT that the State of Montana, the University of Montana, Flathead County, Ravalli County, Lincoln County, the Missoula Police Department, Hamilton Police, the Montana Attorney General, the Montana Governor's office, Montana ACLU and many more KNEW about massive rapes that were widespread in Montana, were an epidemic and involved cops either directly or in cover up.

I, Crystal Cox, was part of a Sheriff Recall in Lincoln County Montana. This recall LOUDLY let every Montana Agency Know that there was a massive issue with rape in Montana and that law enforcement was doing NOTHING to protect victims or prosecute rapists.

Montana Law Enforcment, Judges, ACLU, the Attorney General, the Governor; they ALL knew about the issue of rape victims in the State of Montana who were being treated unjust in the legal system in multiple counties. YET they ALL did nothing.  And instead tried to silence bloggers.

I reported on the Lincoln County Recall, the Rapes, the Rapists and the cops that covered up for these horrible crimes and had been for decades. Their answer was to threaten me, stalk me, harass me, intimidate and bully me.

When local cops would try and give voice to victims, they were run out by the proverbial Good ol' Boys, and the victims had no voice.

Sean Boushie of the University of Montana threatened to KILL ME, and taunted me for years, ruining my life and business and all these Montana agencies knew and enabled him to do so.

I had been told of around 40 rapes in that year alone, and when I spoke out, the law enforcement treated me as the criminal.  I had read reports, saw rape kids, saw evidence, interviewed rape advocates, victims and families. And I was targeted for speaking out about the RAPES.

Judge James Haynes in Hamilton Montana REFUSED me a Protective Order against the man who threatened to kill me and had waged an online war to ruin my life, my business and constantly harass me, all the while seeking other haters to join him.  This was clearly a hate crime and was IGNORED by all Montana Law Enforcement and Judges.

A few weeks after Judge Haynes DENIED me protection, Judge Robin Clute of Hamilton Montana gave Sean Boushie, the man who threatened to kill me, a protective order against ME, in which stopped the flow of information, chilled speech and violated my First Amendment Rights and my Civil Rights.

This protective order was NOT mutual and therefore I was not allowed as a matter of law, or be jailed, to speak of the University of Montana or of Sean Boushie.

So I stopped my reporting for well over a year and yet he kept attacking me, gathering haters, targeting my clients and business, harassing me, interfering with my federal legal cases, emailing every person I reported on or did online marketing for and constantly attacked me and ALL on paid time by the University of Montana and enabled by Montana Law Enforcement and Judges, all while he had a protective order against ME.

Via Federal Law and the Constitution of the United States of America, it is CLEAR that the State of Montana, the Missoula County Attorney, the University of Montana, the Missoula Police Department, Detective Chris Shermer, Montana Judges such as Judge Robin Clute, Judge Karen Townsend and Judge James Haynes VIOLATED the First Amendment Rights of Bill Windsor, of me, Crystal Cox and of Michael Spreadbury, and all by the use of an unconstitutional protective order used to chill speech and violate our constitutional and civil rights.

In the "Real World" outside of Montana Corruption, there is massive discussion and higher court rulings in which protect the civil rights, human rights, free speech and first amendment rights of bloggers such as Crystal Cox, Micheal Spreadbury and Bill Windsor.

Yet the State of Montana, Montana Judges and Law Enforcement ABUSE protective orders and use them to silence reporters, jail bloggers, and to flat out STOP the flow of information, chill speech, suppress information and to cover up for local judges, cops, county attorneys, cops and the rogue law enforcement at the University of Montana.

Montana seems to be acting as it’s own country, completely outside of the U.S Constitution. And with total disregard of Civil Rights, the Bill of Rights, Due Process Laws and the Constitutional Rights of those who they target.

The Lincoln County Sheriff Recall of 2009, is Flat out, undeniable PROOF that ALL Montana Agencies at the HIGHEST Level, knew about the issue of widespread rape in the State of Montana and that victims were suffering not only from RAPE but from how Law Enforcement, Cops, Detectives, Sheriff's, Judges and County Attorneys across Montana were handling their rape kits, investigations, interviews, evidence and investigation as a whole.

The Lincoln County Recall attempt of Sheriff Daryl Anderson due to massive unprosecuted rapes is the Root of Why the Missoula County Attorney, Missoula Police Department, Ravalli County, Hamilton Police, Missoula and Hamilton Judges and the University of Montana, have RETALIATED against reporter, whistle blower, film producer, anti-corruption blogger Bill Windsor. 

Bill Windsor interviewed and filmed me, Crystal Cox, for his movie, Lawless America. After this he was targeted by the man who threatened to kill me and he was DENIED protection, civil rights and constitutional rights by ALL the same Montana Law Enforcement Agencies involved in Whistle Blower Retaliation against me.  And he received the same unconstitutional, unethical treatment from the University of Montana, Montana Police, Montana County Attorneys and Montana Judges as did I, Crystal Cox and Michael Spreadbury whom had been reporting on Montana Corruption for many years prior.

Michael Spreadbury and I, Crystal Cox, told Montana Cops, Judges, Investigators, County Attorneys, Newspapers, the Attorney General, Judges and more about what cops were doing to the citizens of Montana and we were RETALIATED against in the the EXTREME.  

Bill (William) Windsor of Lawless America reported on our story, essentially a reporter reporting on reporters and he then faced Extreme Whistle Blower Retaliation himself, and with MASSIVE documented proof of what happened to him, he was and is painted out as the abuser when he is CLEARLY the VICTIM, as a matter of LAW and with MASSIVE undeniable evidence.

The Historic Recall Efforts of the Lincoln County Recall Committee of 2009 in effort to DEMAND accountability from police, judges, the sheriff, detectives and county attorneys regarding the issue of widespread failure to prosecute or competently investigate RAPES is what brought Bill Windsor of Lawless America to Montana, that is the TRUTH, the whole TRUTH and nothing but the TRUTH.

The Widespread Cover up of RAPE and the Culture of Corruption in Montana is what led to Michael Spreadbury and Crystal Cox reporting on what was happening in their town. This is what drew the eye of anti-corruption blogger, whistle blower, and film producer Bill Windsor.  And what ultimately got Bill Windsor JAILED in the State of Montana.

To Research More on the Historic attempt to Recall Sheriff Anderson in Lincoln County Montana due to an overwhelming number of RAPES that were NOT taken serious, investigated or prosecuted AND the fact that the rapists were repeatedly protected by law enforcement, the county attorney and judges; see links below

Great Overview with Many Links,_Lincoln_County,_Montana,_2009

Local Article on One of the Rapes that was highly publicized

Click on Photo Above to Enlarge

Media at the Time about the Recall

Media around the Rejection of the Petition

Local Media on Recall Efforts Failing

Video I Did around the time about the Recall Efforts

Video Playlist of How I became an Investigative Blogger (December 2009)

Below is the Letter to the Editor Sean Boushie Posted in which he interjected himself, willingly, into this highly public, heated, controversial debate.

I, Crystal Cox, rebutted this letter to the editor and that was the very beginning of Sean Boushie's harassment, defamation, bullying, intimidating, hate crime, retaliation campaign against me and anyone who reported on my story.